Letter Carriers Political Fund


Many carriers don’t know this, but the real boss for carriers is Congress. At any time, Congress can eliminate the NALC, eliminate our hard-won wages and benefits, and even eliminate the Postal Service. To keep our jobs, it is necessary that we show Congress how important the Postal Service is, and show them how important it is that the carriers who work for the Postal Service be paid a decent wage and receive decent benefits. To do that, it takes money. The Letter Carrier Political Fund (LCPF) is simply a vehicle to collect that money and then use it to influence Congress on the issues that carriers care about. LCPF is not partisan – it contributes to any Congressperson who supports the causes of letter carriers. LCPF is not supported by your union dues, because Congress has passed laws which forbid that.

Contributing to LCPF is job insurance – it helps insure that Congress does not eliminate the Postal Service or our jobs, and it helps insure that we keep the good benefits which make our job worthwhile. The suggested contribution is $5 a paycheck, which is about the cost of a lunch at McDonald’s. But with that $5, instead of getting a few french fries, you are letting Congress know that you care about your job, and that you want to keep the Postal Service viable for years to come.

Ron Stover is our LCPF coordinator for Branch 132. He can help you set up your contribution, or you can use the directions on the form that is in this newsletter. Give Ron a call at 469-438-7965 to start your contributions today, and help keep all of our jobs and benefits safe from Congress!

Join the LCPF at nalc.org/pac

Do You Contribute To The Letter Carrier Political Fund?                                  

“I contribute to promote policies that would be beneficial to the letter carrier craft.”  Lenora Salinas, Dallas, Beverly Hills Post Office.  

We need YOU to contribute to the Letter Carrier Political fund! Call Ron Stover at 469-438-7965 to start your  contribution today!    Become a Member by clicking  on any of the following Contribution Enrollment Form:

Lone Star Branch 132, 8451 Endicott, Dallas, Texas 75227 Phone # 214-388-4349 – Fax 214-388-4149