Kimetra Lewis


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

By the time you receive this newsletter, the election of branch officers and stewards will have come to an end. I would like to take the time to congratulate those members who were elected by their peers to serve Branch 132 for the years 2025-2027.

The newly elected officers of the branch are:

President – Kimetra Lewis

Executive Vice President – Ron Stover

Vice President – Twasky Smith

Treasurer – Clubber Targton

Financial Secretary – Janine Singleton

Recording Secretary – Danny Hilliard

Director of Retirees – Eugene Johnson

Health Benefits/MBA Representative – Earl Hibbs

Sergeant-at-Arms – Robert Hinson

Editor – Rita Wilder

Trustees – Javier Carrizales, Sid Simmons, Helen Toliver, Chris Velasquez, and Rita Wilder

I would personally like to thank our departing Trustee Thomas “Tommy” Vines for his long-dedicated commitment to Branch 132. Tommy faithfully served the branch in any capacity needed and never hesitated to do anything he was called to do. His love for NALC and Branch 132 is not superficial. His willingness to serve others speaks volume to the type of individual he is. While he is a low-key kind of guy, his presence from the Executive Board will be greatly missed. Thank you, Tommy, for a job well done!

As we move on in the year 2025, there are a few things I want

to bring to the minds of those elected to serve Branch 132. When you look back over the days, reflect on what you have done to get you to the position you now hold. Maybe it was a goal, a dream or a determination you had. Whatever it may have been, understand a torch was passed to you and to me. But don’t be afraid. Stand firm and tall and do your part. The torch, the goal, the dream is now ours to continue as we run this journey with all our might.

The work of a union advocate/activist requires sacrifice. It is not easy! One must put on the amour of defense to serve others, even at times when we don’t feel like helping. You may not always be welcomed by management or the membership you serve; therefore, you must serve diligently and willingly with the understanding that you are responsible for your own gratitude. Those before us set the tone, we are elected to carry the torch forward. Remember we are a union; you are not alone. We do not work against one another, we work together. The elections are over. Now it is time to put our efforts to work to form a more perfect united union. So just do your thing, knowing you’re never alone. We are all on this journey together to empower, equip, and excel to our God given potential to make a positive impact on the membership of Branch 132. As your President, I assure you, I stand with you trusting and believing the best is yet to come!

Thank You!

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the membership of Branch 132 for your vote of confidence in re-electing me by acclamation as your President. Since taking on the position of President in 2016, I have made a conscious commitment to serve the membership wholeheartedly. My dedication to Branch 132 is unwavering. I have worked, and will continue to work, diligently to build a team of strong dedicated leaders to strengthen Branch 132 long after I am gone. I look forward to what the next three years will bring, trusting and believing the best is yet to come!

In solidarity,

Kimetra Y. Lewis, President

Lone Star Branch 132, 8451 Endicott, Dallas, Texas 75227 Phone # 214-388-4349 – Fax 214-388-4149