Food Drive 


MDA Challenge

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Shelia M. Stewart Bowl-a-Thon this year has been postponed. So that Branch 132 can participate in the NALC MDA Challenge, we are asking each post office and/or station within in Branch to contribute at least $50.00 each. This is a simple task for a great cause. To get this accomplished, each post office/station can appoint a MDA Coordinator to collect the donations. Please have all contributions turned into the Union Hall by December 5, 2024. For questions, please contact Keven Fegans at 469-223-3477 or Robert Hinson at 469-503-7818.


Dallas City Offices

Robert E. Price  – 6,950

Beverly Hills   – 5,600

Lakewood  – 5,400

Associate Offices

Denton – 10,540

Longview NW – 8,870

Nacogdoches – 8,640

Branch Total – 399,409 Pounds

Letter Carrier’s 2025 Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive 


As the need for food assistance is still more significant than ever, we want to allow everyone to continue to meet that need and help your local community food pantry or bank.  The Stamp Out Hunger Donor Drive is a drive with a single mission—to feed the hungry in America, and as always, with your help, we will!

Food drive coordinators can find resources to help them in their local communities here.

Find all the media resources such as the PSA video, press release, media plan and flyer here.

Please donate what you can to a food bank in your community. Simply find your state below and click on the link to donate directly. All collections stay in the local community.

Lone Star Branch 132, 8451 Endicott, Dallas, Texas 75227 Phone # 214-388-4349 – Fax 214-388-4149